Reducing Pain and Increasing Function through Denervation

Joint Denervation offers patients the opportunity to reduce joint pain and increase function through a minimally invasive approach.

Our mission is to provide patient education, medical knowledge, and new research in the field of joint denervation

Interested in what this means for you?

See actual patient stories.

Joint Denervation in the Hand

Joint denervation offers pain relief for arthritis of the fingers (proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints) as well as the base of the thumb (carpometacarpal joint).

Joint Denervation in the Wrist

Joint denervation offers pain relief for wrist arthritis (scapholunate advanced collapse, radiocarpal, ulnocarpal, and distal radioulnar).

Joint Denervation in the Knee

Knee denervation is a revolutionary surgical approach to knee pain. This technique can be used for arthritis pain as well as knee pain after a knee replacement or other surgical procedure.

Joint Denervation International

Joint Denervation International is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching joint denervation techniques in locations where implant-based arthroplasty is not available. Joint Denervation International partners with local surgeons to provide on-site training for local surgeons free of charge. Click to learn more about partnering with Joint Denervation International in your home country.

Health Care Professionals National Registry

For health care professionals: participate in our national registry where joint denervation cases are tracked to provide population level data on denervation techniques and outcomes.

“After struggling with pain fo years I was golfing three weeks after my thumb denervation procedure. I’d recommend it to anyone with thumb pain.”

-Denervation Patient